The Name of the Demon That Steals Rest, Makes You Scroll, and Inspires Overworking
The drug addict is the prophet of our times. A prophet doesn’t necessarily tell you the future, but tells it like it is in the now. He’s truth’s voice. Drug addicts prophesize through the futility of the frantic search for satisfaction. He finds a false rest in the moment of a high, is aware it is fleeting, yet presses on in a sort of...
Realize Your Potential! Control Your Passions
“A man who governs his passions is master of the world. We must either command them, or be enslaved by them.” – St. Dominic I once fouled out of a basketball game in 8th grade and ended up in the bleachers during my protest before the whistle even finished blowing. That was me in 8th grade. You can imagine it didn’t get better any time...
Six Ways Not to Fight Temptation
After making the critical decision to follow Christ, it becomes clear to many men that the Christian life is a lot like sports: there’s a lot more that goes into perfecting one’s game than appears at first. When a toddler is holding a football, his one task is just to get it into the hands of his dad standing a few feet away; however that happe...
Six Ways Not to Fight Temptation
After making the critical decision to follow Christ, it becomes clear to many men that the Christian life is a lot like sports: there’s a lot more that goes into perfecting one’s game than appears at first. When a toddler is holding a football, his one task is just to get it into the hands of his dad standing a few feet away; however that hap...
Brothers: Quit the Comfort. Fight for Your Freedom.
The morning was gloomy with drizzle, my lungs stung from the effort I’d already put forth and there, in the distance, I could see the shadow of my goal… the flagpole in my neighbors yard. I had just begun the third round of my workout and there were only 50 meters left before I was able to turn around and head home for the final stretch. ...
Dear Men, Defend Your Garden from the Lies of the Devil
“And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit for forty days in the wilderness, tempted by the devil… The devil said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God…’” (Lk. 4:1-3) “If you are the Son of God…” Those words must have had some real force behind them if they were the beginning of Jesus...