The Art of Being Human in a Culture of Noise (Hint: Beauty Can Rescue Us)
This article was originally published in Hearth&Field magazine, and was adapted from Jimmy Mitchell's forthcoming book Let Beauty Speak. None of us will quickly forget what it felt like as churches closed, the economy shut down, and entire countries went into self-quarantine amidst the initial outbreak of the coronavirus...
Stressed? You Might Need to Get Outside More
The natural habitat of man is not inside. Adam was created and placed in a garden that was created for him to work and rule, a garden that was already good but would in some wonderful way be made even better with man's creativity. Creation seems to need us. Long after the Fall of man St. Paul says that creation – the entire cosmos – is st...
You Can’t “Make” Men Out of Boys. Maturity Is Begotten Not Made.
Lately I can’t stop mulling over the words “begotten not made” from the Creed. The eternal Son is born of the Father - God from God, light from light, true God from true God – not made. If modernity is good at anything, its making things. And judging by the infanticide and obsession with sterile forms of “sexuality”, we are not into thi...
How to Be a Humble HERO in 2017
It seems that in the mind of many Christian men today, the ideas of humility and heroism are mutually exclusive. Meekness and humility are praised highly, as indeed they should be, but magnanimity and the virtues of soldiers are more or less swept under the rug. This is a great tragedy of our time. For, as Longfellow puts it in A Psalm of Life, ...
Offering A Sincere Apology
When your wife discovers that you have become addicted to pornography, it can be devastating for her. She may feel deeply hurt and betrayed. One of the first steps to healing your marriage is offering an apology. Your wife deserves an honest and sincere apology, and a simple “I’m sorry” won’t suffice. She needs to formally know you are sorr...
Made for Greatness?
Jospeh Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) is attributed with saying the following: “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness!” I have two problems with that quote. The first problem is that it does not actually define greatness. Is it wealth, power, popularity? Well, since he was a Pope maybe...
Too Good to Be True? A Historical Look at The Gospels.
At the core of Christianity is the historical reality of the Incarnation, the fact that the infinite God took on a human nature. However, as any historian can tell you, a historical narrative is only as trustworthy as the sources from which we learn about it. The last several centuries have seen a wave of anti-Christian historians who hold that...
My Wife is Beautiful
DISCLAIMER: You might think I have given a very sweet and thoughtful title to this article. I would like to correct you from the outset. My wife likes to jokingly say that I should write an article about her and how great she is. That is my intention with this article, but my wife is definitely no fan of sappiness. Plus, she already wants to kill m...
The Transgender Movement Is Especially Dangerous for Boys
It is a bit ironic that the “bathroom wars” began in Charlotte, NC, my home state.[1] While we war over whether or not a man is a man, or just seems that way, North Carolina’s motto remains engraved in stones around the state: Esse quam videri, which is Latin for “to be, rather than to seem”. Like I said – ironic. Of course, I th...
The Brown Robed Man
Over the years, St. Francis has borne more than his fair share of controversy. As a provocative figure in his time, he used his popularity/notoriety to reinvigorate and rebuild the Church. In the centuries following his death, the nature and scope of his personal mission and that of the religious order he founded became points of heated debate. The...