Eight years ago, when people began coming to me for help with pornography addiction, they were searching for a Catholic recovery program.  I searched everywhere, but could not find one.  After much prayer and discernment, I realized that God was calling me to create one.  Rather than “reinvent the wheel” I decided to research several successful recovery programs, use the best components of them, and incorporate Catholic spirituality into it.  Through my research I discovered seven components needed for healthy recovery.  I incorporated them into my program along with Catholic spirituality.  This became the Integrity Starts Here! recovery program.  While I continue to modify and improve it, this program has been very effective in helping men recovery from pornography addiction.  In this and the next three articles, I will discuss the components of this program, which I believe are needed in any successful comprehensive recovery program.  

Once the addiction has been properly diagnosed a trained therapist can work with you to develop a customized recovery program based on the Integrity Starts Here! recovery program.  The program is comprised of seven points.  Each point is of equal importance, so all are worked on together.  Here is a diagram of the points:



In the next three articles, I will discuss each of the seven points and how they are incorporated into a successful recovery program.

07 / 05 / 2017
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