Why Pray if We Can’t Change God’s Mind?
Having enthroned himself as a god, modern man struggles with the ideas of prayer. Why pray for something with a touch of uncertainty when I know that Amazon can get it to me in a few days anyway? I’m only slightly joking, but it is true that affluent and wealthy peoples have a harder time developing the healthy sense of need, of sending a req...
Why Your Prayer Is Confident (Or Not)
I for one still fear bringing petitions to God. Three ideas occur to me that prevent me. One, I don’t think God will answer and I fear being disappointed in Him. Two, He will answer in a way that is not what I desired. Three, what I want isn’t even important and I should not bother anyone who is busy with other things with my petty need...
Sanctifying the Day with the Angelus
Psalm 55 speaks of crying out to God at morning, noon, and night and Catholics traditionally mark these three key periods of the day by praying the Angelus at six, noon, and six. Sanctifying the key periods of the day began in the early Church by reciting the Our Father three times a day (see the Catechism §2767), which expanded with the prayi...
The Month of the Rosary is Coming: Make the Most of it with This Book
It’s true, converting to Catholicism from Protestantism can comes with its share of culture shock. I know there are some that have a hard time with newly assented-to doctrines, like all that Mary stuff. But not me. Mary became a loving mother to me rather quickly. But going into Catholic bookstores? – now that was shock. I was going from a c...
A Father’s Priestly Duty: Lead the Family in Prayer
Written by Terry Rumore The following was originally published in Sword&Spade Magazine and is available for download. "Lead your family in prayer.” From recent experience I can tell you these five simple words have the power to turn a father’s world upside down. This challenge was put forth to a group of Fraternus men last year. Sin...
Can/Should Catholic Businesses Close for Solemnities? Here’s an Example…
The following was originally published in Sword&Spade magazine. You ca download the spread from the magazine here. -- By Terry Rumore My brother and I, who own a small mechanic shop, had to answer this question after reading a priest friend’s blog on properly reverencing Catholic holy days, and then later being challenged by a cl...
Two Ways We Sin Against Hope
In the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (known to many as “the Byzantine Liturgy,” and is one of the most ancient rites in the world) there are litanies that ask for God’s help in a variety of our affairs as men. The response the people sing together after each petition is “Lord have mercy.” Here’s some of those prayers: For f...
Pray, Talk, Do
In her book, Rebuilding a Marriage Better then New, Cindy Beall notes there are three things husbands and wives need to do together build a healthy marriage: pray, talk, and do. Pray Many Catholic couples find it difficult to pray together. For many prayer means reciting rote prayers such as the Our Father or the rosary. Outside of grace be...
A Wedding Homily: “Pray Your Rosary”
There is a popular song by a man named Matt Stell that opens with these words: Never been the kind to ask for help. If a mountain needs moving, I move it myself. I’m far from a preacher, But I’m a believer. And every single day I prayed for you. I didn’t know your name, I couldn’t see your face, But I prayed for you. It’s hard to...
Running and My Inner Grotto to Hear God’s Voice
It is awe-inspiring how God, the great physician, reaches us precisely at the time and in the way that we most intimately need and understand. Seven years ago, when I first started casually jogging, I would have never imagined that I would now be training for my first 100-mile ultra-marathon this November nor could I have seen the central role the ...