Porn Addiction: A Comprehensive Recovery Program
Eight years ago, when people began coming to me for help with pornography addiction, they were searching for a Catholic recovery program. I searched everywhere, but could not find one. After much prayer and discernment, I realized that God was calling me to create one. Rather than “reinvent the wheel” I decided to research several success...
Update: Porn Is Still Terrible For You
In this article, I discuss the fifth and sixth characteristics of pornography addiction. It is used to Escape Negative Feelings. Here is where we often hear the term “self-medicating.” Addicts often use pornography as a coping strategy to deal with deep emotional pain. Often they don’t even realize the pain is there or th...
When Pornography Becomes An Escape
In this article, I discuss the fifth and sixth characteristics of pornography addiction. It is used to Escape Negative Feelings. Here is where we often hear the term “self-medicating.” Addicts often use pornography as a coping strategy to deal with deep emotional pain. Often they don’t even realize the pain is there or th...
Characteristics of Pornography Addiction; Part 1
For those who struggle with pornography addiction, and their loved ones, successful recovery requires a basic understanding of the addiction. There are eight characteristics of pornography addiction. In each of the next four articles I will discuss two characteristics. It is my hope that this information will encourage readers to study more a...
Friendship Love in a Relationship
Once a couple has developed a deep level of romantic love, they usually move onto friendship love. This is also very important for a happy marriage. Often when people who have been married for 50 years are interviewed, they are asked what is their secret to a long and happy marriage. A common answer to that question is “I married my best fr...
Romantic Love In a Relationship
Romantic love in a relationship is easy to identify. It’s when a man and a woman meet and find themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually attracted to each other. There is a “chemistry” there that cannot be explained. The two just “click.” In such a relationship, you find yourself wanting to spend more time with her. You...
Lead Your Wife With Authority, Not Power
Fr. Robert Sirico is fond of referencing the sociologist Robert Nisbet for his distinction between power and authority. In his book The Soul of Liberty, Fr. Sirico describes Nisbet’s distinction in this way: “[B]oth authority and power are forms of restraint, but…power is an external form and authority is an internal form. With power, we...
How to Get the Most Out of Your New Year’s Resolutions
In these next few days, millions of Americans will make their New Year’s resolutions, setting optimistic self-improvement goals for the next twelve months. According to Nielsen, the most popular resolution that people commit themselves to is improving their health and fitness - getting in shape. Undoubtedly, many readers of this very blog will re...
The Masculine Genius
I was listening to a talk on a Lighthouse Media CD by Dr. Phillip Mango entitled Understanding the Opposite Sex. In this entertaining and informative talk Dr. Mango, a retired Marine from New Jersey now in psychology, shows how Theology of the Body (Pope St. John Paul II) and psychology can help heal our understanding of sexuality, gender, and rela...