Pornography Addiction Recovery: Integrity Starts Here
In this article, I begin to discuss the seven points of the Integrity Starts Here! recovery program. The first two points are 1) Honesty, Self-knowledge, and Commitment; and 2) Purifying your Life. Here I provide a description for each of these points. Honesty, Self-knowledge and Commitment: This point focuses on being honest with you...
Porn Addiction: A Comprehensive Recovery Program
Eight years ago, when people began coming to me for help with pornography addiction, they were searching for a Catholic recovery program. I searched everywhere, but could not find one. After much prayer and discernment, I realized that God was calling me to create one. Rather than “reinvent the wheel” I decided to research several success...
Update: Porn Is Still Terrible For You
In this article, I discuss the fifth and sixth characteristics of pornography addiction. It is used to Escape Negative Feelings. Here is where we often hear the term “self-medicating.” Addicts often use pornography as a coping strategy to deal with deep emotional pain. Often they don’t even realize the pain is there or th...
Friendship Love in a Relationship
Once a couple has developed a deep level of romantic love, they usually move onto friendship love. This is also very important for a happy marriage. Often when people who have been married for 50 years are interviewed, they are asked what is their secret to a long and happy marriage. A common answer to that question is “I married my best fr...
Romantic Love In a Relationship
Romantic love in a relationship is easy to identify. It’s when a man and a woman meet and find themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually attracted to each other. There is a “chemistry” there that cannot be explained. The two just “click.” In such a relationship, you find yourself wanting to spend more time with her. You...
What Does Love In A Healthy Relationship Look Like?
Most men are called to be married, and want a healthy marital relationship. So, what constitutes a healthy relationship. To answer this question, many pop psychology books talk about good communication and respect for one another. Others may talk about a healthy sex life. I want to take a different approach and talk about love. In fact, I...
Becoming A Strong Leader
A leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. Becoming a good leader takes time and practice; however, you can start becoming a good leader immediately. One of the primary ways men can lead is through their example. When you strive to live a holy and virtuous life, you are providing an example for others on how...
Leader, Provider, Protector: A Man’s Mission.
When working with men dealing with a variety of issues, one thing I’ve found they all seem to struggle with is a lack of a sense of mission. To live a happy, fulfilling and productive life, we need to know our primary purpose, our mission. For men, that mission is to be effective leaders, providers, and protectors. This is our nature. A w...