When working with men dealing with a variety of issues, one thing I’ve found they all seem to struggle with is a lack of a sense of mission. To live a happy, fulfilling and productive life, we need to know our primary purpose, our mission. For men, that mission is to be effective leaders, providers, and protectors. This is our nature. A woman’s mission is to be an effective helper, nurturer and comforter. That is their nature. While men and women can share these attributes, men generally gravitate toward being leaders, providers and protectors, and women gravitate toward being helpers, nurturers and comforters.
Being a great leader, provider, and protector is everyman’s mission. It doesn’t matter how old you are, your vocation (single, married, priest, religious), or your career. If you’re a man on this planet, God calls you to be a strong leader, provider, and protector. It has been my experience that when men understand what it means, and embrace it as their mission, life becomes much easier. In any situation, they know what their job is.
Over the next three weeks, I will expand upon this concept for men. I will discuss how men can become great leaders, providers, and protectors as individuals, husbands, fathers, in their careers, parishes and communities. Achieving this can be a challenge at times. It means self-sacrifice: stepping outside yourself and focusing on others. You will be a servant. This will require you to place the needs of others above your own desires. You will need to strive to live a virtuous life. You won’t want any vice to get in the way of achieving this mission. As difficult as this can be at times, the payoff is priceless! You will experience the true joy of giving. You will be using all the wonderful gifts and talents God has given you to the best of your abilities. You will earn the respect of all. The result of this is a life well lived. In the end, when you finally meet Jesus fact-to-face, he will say “welcome home good and faithful servant.”