Learning About God’s Fatherhood in Luke’s Gospel
Today is the feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist. His gospel is filled with numerous observations and meditations about God as our heavenly Father. A closer reading of St. Luke’s gospel gives us a better idea about the specific characteristics of God who is truly Our Father in the Lord’s Prayer, God the Father almighty ...
An Examination of Plot in the Gospel of Matthew
It is no secret that Matthew was very familiar with his Old Testament. He must have been a scholar well-versed in Jewish law, customs and rabbinical teachings. From the very beginning (his exposition in Ch.’s 1 and 2) and throughout his gospel, Matthew displays his understanding of Christ’s Jewish roots, where he provides his reader an analysis...
The Women of the Gospel of St. Mark & A Lesson for Us
The role of women in the Gospel of Mark is partially typified by some traditionally missing information which is contained in other gospel passages. References to the Blessed Mother are present (Mk 3: 31-35; 6: 3), but there is no mention made of her words recorded in other gospels, particularly and specifically her conversation with the Angel Gabr...
Why Rocky Balboa Tells More Truth than “Health and Wealth” Preachers
The “health and wealth” mentality with regards to religion is nothing new. As long as human beings have been around, we’ve sought the “easier, faster=better” solutions to daily life. When it comes to faith, “better” usually comes in the form of the “prosperity preachers” and their “health and wealth” sermons. What can be easie...
“Gender Feminism” & The Gospel Don’t Jive
If facts are thorns, Christina Hoff Somers is the thorn in the side of lefty feminism. If we can just call facts, facts, Christina Hoff Somers is who she says she is: the Factual Feminist. The Gospel of Gender Feminism “Gender Feminism” is all about raising awareness of the man-centered scheme of western society. According to gender feminist...