Why Faith and Reason Need Each Other
This article was previously published in Sword & Spade magazine. Jared Staudt, teacher and father, explains why distinguishing faith and reason is important when debating and explaining. In a world that has gone mad, our greatest need in the recovery of our sanity is faith. Without it, the human mind experiences an eclipse, cu...
Too Good to Be True? A Historical Look at The Gospels.
At the core of Christianity is the historical reality of the Incarnation, the fact that the infinite God took on a human nature. However, as any historian can tell you, a historical narrative is only as trustworthy as the sources from which we learn about it. The last several centuries have seen a wave of anti-Christian historians who hold that...
Reclaiming the Catholic Worldview
The Gospel conquers, fulfills, and transforms all of reality. Far from merely offering a path of moral conduct, Christ brings the fullness of truth and life. Accepting him means becoming more fully human in every aspect of our being. Therefore, conversion necessarily includes allowing the Gospel to touch and transform o...
“What is Truth?”: A Response to the Dictatorship of Relativism
“Quid est veritas?” Pontius Pilate asked rhetorically of the Lord in the Gospel of John. What is truth? Is there such a thing as truth? On the eve of his election to the chair of Peter, Pope Benedict XVI sermonized, “Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, that is,...