Eastertide: Transforming Fasting to Feasting
The transition between Lent and Easter can be difficult. During Lent, we focus on fasting, prayer, and almsgiving in an attempt to show contrition for our sins and to grow closer to God as we prepare for the Holy Triduum: the climax of each liturgical year. We look forward to encountering the risen Lord at Easter, but before we can do that, we must...
Looking Christian at the End of Lent
My Nana was what some people refer to as Saint Anonymous. Someone that might not be on the same pedestal or as widely known as Saint Theresa or Saint Francis, but goes about their daily life living the same holy virtues unnoticed. On the day of my Nana's funeral, the Vatican was canonizing three saints. During the eulogy, the priest talked about ho...
Hope, The Virtue of Easter
Jonathan, Jack, Kevin “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” -Luke 1:78-79 When I was in seminary my favorite liturgical celebration of the whole year was the Easter vigil. I love all the sym...
Enjoy Some Easter Art: Bach’s Easter Oratorio
Bach served as Thomaskantor of Leipzig, musical director for liturgical services at St. Thomas and three other Lutheran churches in the city. We have outstandingly beautiful liturgical music for the entire year from Bach: Advent and Christmas oratorios, his famous works on the Passion, and music for major feast days. He also composed a number of so...
Resist the Temptation to “Come Down from the Cross”
In the time of Easter there is a temptation to leave all the fruits of Lent behind, growing lax and celebrating too heartily. It is important, therefore, to ask: what is the continuity between Lent and Easter? One essential link that I would like to explore is that the Resurrection, the triumph and transformation of our lives, is only possible afte...
A Catholic Man’s Guide to the Sacred Triduum
“Part company with the earth and ascend to the realms of heaven!” -St. John Chrysostom During the supreme days of the Sacred Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter), the saving work of Jesus Christ is re-presented to us in the mystery of the liturgy of the Church. These days mark the pinnacle of the battle between good and ev...