• 3 articles

Making Social Media Authentic

It’s an odd time to be alive. In 2017 we are connected with each other more than mankind has ever been before. We can communicate more rapidly with more people in more ways than anyone could have possibly imagined 100 years ago. You know from your own experience that social media is an omnipresent force in modern life. Most of us likely com...

10 23 2017

Maturity Means Not Commenting on Everything

“Maturing is realizing how many things don’t require your comment,” said Winston Churchill.  This might be a hard saying for us today, given that we all love to feel seen and heard by having strings of words alongside avatars underneath articles or pictures on the Internet.  And the authors like to have the comments flow; it gives an even m...

08 16 2017

Facebook Makes Us Blind Pharisees

At creation God looked at man and said he was good.  And He is not done seeing us.  His beholding holds us in being.  Were it possible for Him to look away from us we would not become nothing, but return to nothing.  We came outward, out of nothingness, thanks to the emanating goodness of God.  We were created with an orientation away from not...

01 10 2017

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