You Should Want to Be a Great Saint
Do you want to be a saint? Is it arrogant or presumptuous to believe one can become a saint? St Thérèse of Lisieux recognized that the greatness of God’s saints vary depending on their love for Him: “I saw that one could be a Saint in varying degrees, for we are free to respond to Our Lord’s invitation by doing much or little in our love f...
Be a Hero, Not a Victim
I refuse to be a victim of circumstance. That is a phrase I seldom hear anymore but it’s one I’ve tried to live my life by. Circumstances have not always been kind to me. My father passed away when I was young, my mother’s second marriage was to a very hateful man, my wife and I started our family earlier and with less finances than perh...
Now Is The Time of St. Joseph
Men, it is time to turn earnestly to the protection of the great St. Joseph. When Egypt experienced a great famine, “Pharaoh told all the Egyptians, ‘Go to Joseph and do what he tells you’” (Genesis 41:55). The world is experiencing a great, moral famine. The Popes have told us: “Go to Joseph, Son of David.” Devotion to St. Jo...