Counter the Technological Encroachment into Education with the Bosco Method
In my last article, “Relativism and Devices Are Dulling Your Kids’ Minds,” I addressed the issue that technology brings to the imagination of the young mind. The desire to know and seek truth is hindered by mobile devices that effortlessly provide children with the answers that instead should be answered by their parents and teachers. I am no...
The Sexual Utilitarian Philosophy Your Kids Learn
For many teenagers, pornography is their primary source of sex education. This is because the sex education they are getting at home and/or in school is inadequate. They may learn about puberty, conception and birth, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, but they learn nothing about God’s plan for sexuality and healthy relationship...
How to Protect Your Kids from Porn
About six months ago, I was approached by a European publisher who wanted to publish my book, Integrity Restored: Helping Catholic Families Win the Battle Against Pornography, in Italian. Naturally I was flattered and agreed to have the translated book published. However, before moving forward with this project, I needed to update my book. Ev...
Three Lessons from Your Kids on Eternity
Raising children is a great blessing. That God would bestow upon man the ability to share in His creative power is a wondrous example of His generosity; or, depending on your viewpoint, this procreative ability is proof that God has a sense of humor. Can you imagine what else might have been said in Heaven during Creation week that is not record...
Senator Ben Sasse on How to Overcome Our Parenting Crisis
The goal of parenthood is to raise our children into adults. And as you might have noticed, we are failing miserably at this task. Senator Ben Sasse reflects on the urgency of addressing this crisis in his book, The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis—and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance (St. Martin’s, 2017). He states h...