Make FREE Donations by Smiling at Those Catholic Men
Those Catholic Men dream of a Church in which Her men are actively engaged! We want better husbands: husbands that love, affirm and cherish the gift of their wives. We want better fathers: fathers that mentor their sons and daughters into the fullness of the Christian life. We publish inspiring, principled and ad-free content to this end. We rea...
08 09 2016
The New Browser App that Donates to Those Catholic Men without You Paying a Dime
As a non-profit, Those Catholic Men continues to publish inspiring, principled and ad-free content and programming for Catholic men. We are proud that more than half of our following are Catholic millennial men between the ages of 18-34, a demographic often unengaged in the life of the contemporary Church. But, most millennials don't have spare cha...
08 02 2016