The Church Doesn’t Need a Trump, but it Needs a Trump Moment
The documentary Peter and the Wolf is about a farmer who went “back to the land” as a hippie in the 1960’s. The story is inspiring of course, because its amazing what Peter, the main character, has accomplished. But the tragedy is also what he loses. Some mixture of estrangement and alcoholism (I can’t tell what came first) leaves him...
Should Women Be Punished for Having an Abortion?
In an recent MSNBC interview, Chris Matthews and Donald Trump were discussing the logistics of banning abortion in the United States. Mr. Matthews asked the Republican frontrunner if women who have an abortion should be punished since Mr. Trump’s pro-life views hold that abortion is the willful destruction of a human life and, as such, should be ...
Finding the Kernel of Truth in Donald Trump: Fraternal Correction
"I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct." -Donald Trump, August 2015 Much maligned by press and pundit, but increasingly approved by the general population, Donald Trump has, in recent months, provided no shortage of controversial sound bites. Among Mr. Trump’s many colorful opinions is the belief that America h...