Too Many Crises or Just One?
Let me begin with a story, that you may have heard before. It concerns a father and his son. This man and his son had suffered a great loss because the father’s wife, the mother of the family had died. So too had the eldest son. Now, it was only the father and the son left. As the family had been reduced to two from four, and to cope with the emp...
The Holy Spirit Does Not Choose the Pope
It’s amazing how many times I’ve heard from fellow Catholics that they think that God directly chooses the pope. Just yesterday someone said that they refused to criticize the pope because he was given to the Church by the Holy Spirit. The Church does not teach that position. According to the laws of the Church, the Cardinals choose the pope wh...
Senator Ben Sasse on How to Overcome Our Parenting Crisis
The goal of parenthood is to raise our children into adults. And as you might have noticed, we are failing miserably at this task. Senator Ben Sasse reflects on the urgency of addressing this crisis in his book, The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis—and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance (St. Martin’s, 2017). He states h...
TCM Events: Farm Retreats for TCM Readers
This article is an invitation to St. Joseph’s Farm, especially for men who have completed Exodus90 and want to take a “next step” in their fraternity. Spots are open for November 17-19 for the men’s weekend, and November 10-12 for the father/son weekend. Fall is particularly beautiful in Western, NC, so don’t wait to sign up. My w...