Is “Liberty as License” Conservative?
Freedom, as you well know, is at the very heart of the American experiment. As (more or less) a man “of conservative impulse”—to use the words of Russell Kirk—this central fact of our American political system is of great importance to me. Moreover, as I have watched freedom come under attack in our nation, I have awakened more and more...
Real Conservatives Don’t Plunder the Earth
“Politics makes strange bedfellows,” said Charles Dudley Warner. Surely it has only gotten worse since his time. An industrially minded society drained of solid philosophical thinking does what it does, which is to reduce the complexity of reality into as few parts as possible. So, in our day, all thinking somehow falls within left and right ...
Can a Catholic be a Conservative?
One thing about the 2016 election that I am especially grateful for is how it caused principled conservatives to do some soul searching. Faced with a candidate who was neither principled nor—let’s be honest—all that conservative, they could not help but question how far they would extend their allegiance. Some, I presume, even questioned th...