So You Are Losing a Wonderful Priest – Welcome the Opportunity
My parish is losing a wonderful pastor to the summer rotation of priests around the diocese. Our pastor is a man of great faith, possesses exceptional intelligence, and is a fantastic teacher of our faith. He is everything I could ever desire a pastor to be and we will miss him dearly, but I am confident that the incoming priest will be a blessing ...
How Will You Respond to Christmas?
Msgr. Romano Guardini said of the birth of Christ that “the glorification of that joyous happening will never be muted on this earth” (The Rosary of Our Lady, 89). Even while Christmas has become highly commercialized, highly secularized and highly sentimentalized, Msgr. Guardini’s words nonetheless remain true. There will always be humbl...
What’s Wrong with the Church
It is widely reported that when posed the question “What’s wrong with the world?” by a British publication, Catholic author and commentator G.K. Chesterton responded simply: “I am.” If only we all had such clear-minded humility. Of course, the question posed to Chesterton was no more significant in his day than it is now, or at any ...