Suffering The  Consequences Of Sin

Suffering The Consequences Of Sin

Fr. Alan Mackey describes the chains of sin and the means of escape. After time spent in the confessional, a priest, in due time, will begin to recognize that the genesis of a great deal of suffering is due to sin. The abuse of free will, while enticing at the beginning, leads one away from our Heavenly Father, who is the source of what is true,...

By Sword&Spade - 06 30 2021
An Examination of Plot in the Gospel of Matthew

An Examination of Plot in the Gospel of Matthew

It is no secret that Matthew was very familiar with his Old Testament. He must have been a scholar well-versed in Jewish law, customs and rabbinical teachings. From the very beginning (his exposition in Ch.’s 1 and 2) and throughout his gospel, Matthew displays his understanding of Christ’s Jewish roots, where he provides his reader an analysis...

By David La Mar - 09 06 2018
The Priest I Seek

The Priest I Seek

This morning I awoke (as did you) to the Memorial of St. John Vianney, patron of all priests. I’m reflecting on the priesthood today, and more specifically, on my time in the seminary a few years ago. I remember being told as a young seminarian time and time again: “Meet the people where they’re at” and “Be relatable” and other such ...

By Mr. James Baxter - 08 04 2017