Advent: A Time of Preparation and Penance
The Church celebrates Advent as a time of preparation for the birth of Christ. It is not as old as Lent, the great fast to prepare for Easter and the initiation of new converts at the vigil, but arose at least by the fifth century. The logic of Advent and Lent is that major events take preparation and in this case we are preparing our souls to rece...
12 05 2017
Keeping Communion: The Liturgy Millennials Ditched
An article denigrating the so-called “reform of the reform” movement recently appeared in Commonweal. In it, Michael H. Marchal argued that it is not new liturgical practices that are to blame for a decline in liturgical enthusiasm, but a lack of zeal, grace and “style” in their implementation. A return to the “pieties” of the older for...
11 10 2016