Blessed Are They Who Mourn: How I’m Responding to Grandpa’s Death
*Since this article was written, Sean’s grandfather has passed. Please pause and pray for his soul. Today I had what may very well have been my last conversation with my beloved “Grampa.” He is 90 years old, in the advanced stages of cancer, and has declined extremely rapidly in the course of just a few weeks. The doctors say it’s ...
01 23 2018
Time is a Gift: Use it Well
You know the story: An old man is near death. His career was successful, providing well for his family. But he is nagged by a feeling that he wasn’t around enough. Extended business trips and late nights spent at the office haunt him. Was his worldly success worth missing those baseball games, recitals, and family dinners? In the twilight of h...
11 13 2017