• 3 articles

Are Some Jobs Incompatible with Being Catholic?

There are certain occupations that are obviously incompatible with being Catholic. For example, a doctor who performs abortions or assisted suicide; any business involving prostitution or pornography; selling illegal drugs or performing any other work that requires you to engage in illegal activity. But what about other occupations that might have ...

08 10 2018

Are Feelings Right or Wrong?

Catholic intellectual giant G.K. Chesterton famously wrote in Orthodoxy that “[t]he madman is not the man who has lost his reason.  The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.”  Most serious Catholics who have heard these words would say they agree.  Yet, many of us (myself included) make an idol of reason—clinging tig...

12 19 2017

Can a Catholic be a Conservative?

One thing about the 2016 election that I am especially grateful for is how it caused principled conservatives to do some soul searching.  Faced with a candidate who was neither principled nor—let’s be honest—all that conservative, they could not help but question how far they would extend their allegiance. Some, I presume, even questioned th...

10 17 2017

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