How Are You Bringing Worth to Others? The Gift of Self
One of the benefits of enjoying a Christian life, is the contemplation prayer brings. It is critical to set aside time for daily reflection and prayer and bring clarity to our purpose in this life – to glorify God in all we do. Our actions need to be designed to express our love for Jesus Christ and to spread that love to others through evange...
Chastity Is for Everyone, Even If You’re Married
“No, Father, I haven’t thought about chastity since I was in high school. Besides, I’m married.” I have heard these words many times when talking to men about their struggles with sexual sin. There seems to be an unspoken understanding among Catholic men that chastity is only a virtue for those of us who are not committed to a wife. Almost ...
What a Father Can Give His Son
Q. Why did God make you? A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. (Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, First Lesson: On the End of Man, Question 6) I think that this is also true in a child’s relationship with their father. Children want to know and love their dad. These de...
Why Giving Makes You Happy
Many people bemoan the “commercialization” of Christmas and, in fact, there are many abuses in the way the market and the masses treat the holy day. But is it not true that the basic reason people are willing to go along with this aberration is that they are still trying to do something good: giving to those they love? Today, I would like to co...