To Dwell in the Land
Trust God and do good, then you shall dwell in the land and be secure. (Psalm 37:3) I live in a remote area of West Texas. The population density of my county is 1.7 people per square mile. The closest barber is an hour away. The region is a good fit for me. The open plains help me feel “grounded”—excuse the pun. The vast horizon shine...
Holy People Stand on Holy Ground
Photo: Courtesy The country church is red brick, its steeple a stout weathervane amid storms on the Oklahoma plains. In 1937, Stanley Rother was baptized as an infant beneath its roof in the village of Okarche. In 1981, Father Stanley Rother was killed by a death squad at Atitlán, Guatemala. Today, he is known as Blessed Stan...
We Are All Farmers: A Reflection for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Each and every one of us descends from a long and noble line of farmers. Because they lived their lives for others, many of our parents, grandparents and those from generations long ago who passed their Christian beliefs on to us successfully contributed to the propagation of both the faith and the human species. They worked and sacrificed, allowin...