Hell Is Real. Stop Pretending It Isn’t
As I tucked my five-year-old son into bed tonight he wanted to “say some more prayers for people.” I think part of his intent might have been to delay lights-out time, but how could I not honor that request? In his list of intentions, he included “all the souls in purgatory,” at which point he actually stopped and thought about what he was ...
Three Lessons from Your Kids on Eternity
Raising children is a great blessing. That God would bestow upon man the ability to share in His creative power is a wondrous example of His generosity; or, depending on your viewpoint, this procreative ability is proof that God has a sense of humor. Can you imagine what else might have been said in Heaven during Creation week that is not record...
Three Ways Children Teach Their Fathers About Eternity
Raising children is a great blessing. That God would bestow upon man the ability to share in His creative power is a wondrous example of His generosity; or, depending on your viewpoint, this procreative ability is proof that God has a sense of humor. Can you imagine what else might have been said in Heaven during Creation week that is not record...