Discernment Is Not About You
This article was previously published in Sword & Spade Magazine. Benjamin Mann, as one deeply involved in vocations within the Eastern Catholic traditions, corrects a common problem in discernment. It is quite traditional and correct to speak of “discerning a vocation” — particularly to consecrated life or the priesthoo...
How to Make the Right Life Decisions Every Time
How do I find what God wants from me in my life? Most prayerful people bring God into the decisions in their life. It can be as simple as, “Lord, what should I eat for lunch?” as tricky as, “Jesus, what is the right thing to say to this person?” or as monumental as, “God, what am I going to do with my life?” While this is certainly a b...
The Call To Folly: Discerning God’s Plans For Your Life
A central fact of the Christian message is this: we Christians serve a foolish God, who calls His followers to a life of folly. “Whoever wishes to come after me”, He says, “must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” (Mt 16:24). To where must we follow him? To Golgotha, the Place of the Skull. Sounds foolish, does it not? ...