• 2 articles

What Jayber Crow Can Teach Us About the Priesthood and Celibacy

As someone who sees perennial bachelorhood as a societal sickness, recommending Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry might seem counterproductive.  Jayber, Berry’s main character in the novel, is a small-town barber that finds himself an “ineligible bachelor,” as he puts it.  He never marries, never has kids, and in that way is “free” of the bu...

08 13 2020

Celibacy Does Not Cause Clergy Scandals

When I converted to Catholicism from Protestantism, one of the main reasons was Apostolic Authority. For a Protestant this is a bigger concession than a cradle Catholic might realize.  Protestantism, despite claims to the contrary, is a radically individualist approach to faith.  The two pillars of the Protestant Revolt were “Scripture Alone”...

06 27 2018

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