Be The Custodian of Your Baptism
Baptism is a big deal in the Christian life, and for good reason. The Catechism states that baptism “is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments,” (CCC 1213). This is pretty profound in its own right, and it really sets the tone for the significance of bapt...
09 06 2018
Catholics Should Care About the Self Destruction of Scouting
The Boy Scouts can no longer be called Boy Scouts because they now accept girls as well. Girls were allowed to join the Cub Scouts as of October, 2017. Unlike the Boy Scouts, the Cub Scouts did not have to change their name. The inconvenient presence of the word “Boy” posed a different problem this time around. Should anyone care? Aside f...
05 09 2018