What Makes Jesus Different from Other Religious “Founders?”
Several years ago, I came across the Christian rap song "Jesus is Alive" by Shai Linne. The chorus to the song is very simple. It lists several inspirational (and not so inspirational) historical figures, and states very matter-of-factly that each one of them “is dead.” Shai Linne then contrasts our Lord with each figure by ending the cho...
04 09 2018
What is a Man of Faith?
Belief, Authority, and Faith ‘Belief’ is for children, says modern man. To ‘believe’ is cute, like ‘make believing’, but the mature person has no space for ‘belief’ in the strict sense. Because the strict sense entails that one has not actually seen the thing that is being believed. ‘Faith is the … conviction of things ...
07 25 2016