Five Things Worth Hearing About Leisure
What could a text written in Germany well over a half century ago possibly teach us about our contemporary lives? For Josef Pieper, “leisure” properly understood is not just “sitting around,” but is a disposition of the heart and mind to receive the reality of the world as it is given to us – to receive life as a gift. Pieper remind...
11 06 2017
The Name of the Demon That Steals Rest, Makes You Scroll, and Inspires Overworking
The drug addict is the prophet of our times. A prophet doesn’t necessarily tell you the future, but tells it like it is in the now. He’s truth’s voice. Drug addicts prophesize through the futility of the frantic search for satisfaction. He finds a false rest in the moment of a high, is aware it is fleeting, yet presses on in a sort of...
02 22 2017