One of the saddest things about the controversies about masculinity – toxic this and that – is that it has men sitting behind screens pecking out and tweeting responses to internet mobs that wont hear them. While this is happening everyday there are practical ways to simply fill the void of masculinity instead of letting it be filled with the imaginings of radicals and the actual toxicity of the brutes.
Women seem particularly eager for men to lead as men. One interesting phenomenon about websites like this one is how many readers are women. I never read websites for women and had a hard time figuring out what was going on. Usually they aren’t piling on complaints about men, but are simply around, usually affirming what is being said. I asked a friend, and she said, “We’re trying to see if men are going to step up and be men.” So, yes, many women are just blatantly anti-male and there’s just not much you can do about it. This is an ideology rooted in things you can’t argue with because of the false philosophical groundings in relativism and nihilism. However, that’s a small group that’s probably huddled up on campuses and the internet – not exactly bastions of reality. I think there are many other women eager for men to extend their strength in the building up and protecting of life. In fact, here’s one with a note to you:
Dear Brothers,
You are capable of so much.
You have such a capacity for strength.
You have such a capacity for intense love. For courage, honor, and great humility. Brothers, you have such a capacity to risk everything for love. To hold nothing back. To sacrifice heroically.
I love catching glimpses of your internal strength. The strength that has the capacity to bring great security. Protection. Like everything will be alright. That look of faithfulness deep in your eyes proclaims security.
I love your capacity to defend the truth. To fight the good fight. With passion and a strong sense of justice. I especially love how infinitely clear your strength shines in those moments of tender mercy and loving sensitivity. In your humility. Your service. Such powerful love.
I especially want to challenge you to put your capacity for greatness at the service of protecting the most innocent and vulnerable of our nation. And their fragile mothers, too. They need you. The vulnerable in the womb and the life-bearers are waiting for your strength. The life-bearer is waiting to know she is loved, that she has what it takes, that she won’t be abandoned.
Men are necessary for the triumph of life in our world.
And brothers, call on your fellow brothers! Authentic brotherhood is truly unstoppable. Such a bond. When wild heart meets wild heart. It’s truly a special gift. Rally together and let your masculine strength save lives. Fight the good fight. Let your wild heart run wild with love to protect the beautiful. The innocent and vulnerable are crying out. Dying. The battle is being waged, and who will come to their aid if not you?
Commit. We need your wild. The beautiful needs you. You are necessary and depended upon. And brothers, when there are women who just can’t quite seem to receive your love. Or maybe even rudely refuses the gift of your strength. I’m sorry.
I urge you to not fall into discouragement. The beautiful is hurt and wounded. And woundedness lashes out in ugly ways. Do not let this stop you. Love will win and begin the process of breaking down the thick walls of woundedness. It may be the women who refuses your love who actually needs the strength of the masculine heart the most.
Brothers, I believe in you. Your wild is a gift. Let your wild love the heck out of this world. I’ll be cheering you on.
Your Sister
Well? Get off your devices and get to it.