How to Avoid Rushing Through the Holiday Season
If Thanksgiving were a person, it would be a pitiable fellow. Halloween is anticipated all through autumn with lots of decorations, costumes, and candy. Then society rapidly shifts focus to preparing for the “holiday season” which obviously begins with Thanksgiving, but everyone knows is really all about Christmas. Ever seen “Happy Holidays...
Giving Thanks is Trivialized Without Blood and Sacrifice
I recently had a priest friend visit my farm to help me eat a pig. He had, in fact, wanted to be there “for the bullet”, meaning when I began what is politely and (I think) cruelly called “processing”. “Processing” is thoroughly modernist farm-speak that helps people cope with the reality that I am shooting a small bullet into the p...
Giving Thanks Like a Man
Every father should remember on Thanksgiving Day what it is that he is the father of: a family. A family is a unit of culture, and a Catholic family is a unit of Catholic culture. The challenge of every Catholic family and every Catholic father is to preserve and reflect the life of the Mystical Body of Christ. The source and center of this life is...