Read the Bible Like a Catholic
By: Joseph Gruber Far from a monolithic text that talks down to us from on high, the Bible is a collection of texts that all call us to draw near, to listen, to see anew, and then to act rightly. Sometimes, though, I find that men aren’t sure how to read the Bible in a meaningful way. And this is sad, because in Scripture we can find not only st...
Humility & Study
Men who take on the Exodus 90 challenge are urged to make study a central part of their lives starting at “day 91.” This is very fitting—because Exodus 90, if done rightly, is humbling. Through the experience of discomfort in ascetical practices, struggling to be fervent in prayer, and the challenges associated with fraternity, men who do...
Do You Want to be Educated?
Mr. Brian Jones There will be many of them soon, and only a few, in retrospect, will be worth listening to or reading. Of course, I am speaking of the college commencement address. Commencement speeches are delivered by individuals that a university has decided best imitates the school’s various missions. Only in rare instances does a commence...