Why Catholics Didn’t Go to Public School “Back Then” And Probably Shouldn’t Now
Catholic schools have been part of the American experience, possibly since 1606, when Franciscans landed with the explorers at St. Augustine, Florida, but not always this country’s public education. And there’s a reason why. Prior to the mid-1800’s, there was no nationwide public education system in the United States. New England had a fai...
Fathers: Homeschool or Not, Teach Your Kids Something
This article originally ran in Sword & Spade, a magazine for Catholic fathers, leaders, and mentors. There are few issues in our modern-day society that get me more wound up than education. My frustration doesn’t stem from us not being able to see the forest for the trees, rather that we couldn’t care less that there might be a forest bec...
7 Thoughts About Homeschooling Through High School
Homeschooling was not part of my reality while I was growing up, but it is thankfully becoming more prevalent in many parts of our American society. When I first considered fatherhood, I never envisioned homeschooling my children, but now I cannot imagine my family without homeschooling. (I recognize that every family and every situation is differe...