• 2 articles

Conviction: Where God’s Love and Mercy Intersect

Marty has a strong belief in God; however, he struggled to understand God’s unconditional love for him.  Marty’s struggle with pornography addiction left him feeling worthless and unlovable, especially in God’s eyes.  For Marty, a large part of recovery is understanding how God can be both just and merciful. This is a struggle I find in ma...

02 29 2020

Being a Conviction-level Catholic

“If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” I’ve been pondering this statement lately, and although I don’t remember exactly who quoted it to me or where I heard it, the statement resonates. Yes, this phrase does sound like something a well-meaning, albeit a bit cringe-worthy, stereotypical Pro...

08 29 2018

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