It’s a Long Race – Nobody Finishes it Alone
I met a wonderful man today. Well, the truth is that I’ve kind of known of this man for a while because he is a fellow parishioner, but today I got to know him a bit more and he touched my life in a small, yet meaningful way. For reasons of circumstance, we had an opportunity to connect on a personal level and I was nourished by it. As men from d...
07 25 2018
Five Ways to Pray Like Jesus
In the Gospels of Matthew and Luke Jesus teaches us The Lord’s Prayer. (Matt 6:9-15; Luke 11:1-4) The words Jesus gave us are universally accepted by Christians as the perfect prayer, but if we read Matthew closely, we discover more about not only the words that Jesus taught us, but also howhe prayed. In particular, we look at how Jesus prayed be...
06 05 2018