What I Don’t Like About Catholicism: All the Advice
A major criticism that I have with Catholicism is the insurmountable amount of good advice. While talking to my spiritual director he tells me to pray the Rosary, yet when I speak with acquaintances, they tell me to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Which is right? Here I am a couple of weeks into Exodus90 and I’ve been struggling greatly with the...
Biblical and Practical Advice about Sadness
The Christian life is not easy. We are a people called to perfection (Mt 5:48), but we achieve it ever so gradually. We implore God for His grace and put forth much effort, but perfection always seems to escape us. This often leads to discouragement, and even at times despair. Unable to relate to the Psalmist—“But you, O Lord…are the ...
Three Things Every Man Should Carry
I always love seeing old men looking dapper in their three piece suits, possibly with a hat (that they never wear inside). Now are the days of hoodies, jeans and flip-flops (all of which I own) coupled with cool impassivity. Something has been lost in this hyper-casual culture, and I think men are working up to it.  But I would say we just donâ€...