Do you have what it takes? This is one of the central questions of manhood. Perhaps your personal version of it is a bit more nuanced, “do I have what it takes to do my job/school, ask this girl out or eventually to marry me, to be a father?” But we all ask ourselves that question in some way, and often multiple times.
One of the biggest dangers is in trying to answer that question by comparing yourself to those around you. Reality check, there will always be someone better than you at any given thing. If you find your value in sports, there will be someone faster, stronger, and more talented. If you place your worth in your intellect there will be someone smarter than you. If you place your value on holiness that seems like a good thing but, guess what, there are lots of people holier than you.
So where do we look? How do we find our worth and how do we know if we have what it takes? The answer is to first look to God, our Father, and how much he loves us. Interesting tidbit, he didn’t just create you and set you out on your own, like a wind up toy that he left to fend for itself. He sustains you, your being, in every moment. We have often heard that we can’t take a breath without God giving it to us, but more than that, everything we see, or think, or do is made possible because God sustains us. We are like sailboats that only move because God blows and fills our sails with wind. Without him it is not that we can’t do anything, it’s that we wouldn’t even exist. If he were to stop sustaining us we wouldn’t just vaporize, it would be like we never existed.
God knows us inside and out, all our joys and triumphs and all our sorrows and sins, and he loves us anyway. In fact, he loves us a lot. Your parents, or spouse for you married men, probably love you a lot, but if they knew all your sins and failures would that love be lessened? Not in God’s case, he loves us in spite of our sins and failures, which are like a slap to the face for Him. He knows all our sins, and even better than we do. Those sins offend him much more than they do our parents or our spouse.
So we need to look to God our Father to find out what our standard is. His vision for each of us is the standard we need to hold ourselves to, not what our peers do or say. He loves us and wants the best for us. He also gives us a model to follow in Jesus Christ, perfect God and perfect man. The funny thing is, God loves us so much that he doesn’t let us plateau. Imagine you have a coach who challenges you to run a mile in 7 minutes and then just stops pushing you when you achieve it. Bad coach. As soon as we reach the milestone God has for us he smiles and points to another one a bit higher. This standard of God’s is not an out. You may think, “Well, since I’m not comparing myself to others I’ll just be satisfied with where I am at.” Nope, if you are extremely talented you may even be more lax than the guy who struggles to be good at anything because things come easy to you. God is calling everyone higher, especially the talented ones.